
Quality Control Services

Sorting and Rework
With the establishment of lean production logic in almost all manufacturing sectors, the flow of parts from sub-industries to main industries has reached a speed measured in minutes. If there is a nonconformity in the part that goes from the sub-industry to the customer, high quality costs, even down to line stoppages, may occur. If the parts flowing from the sub-industry to the main industry are non-conforming, the CONTRACT company immediately steps in, quarantines the suspicious batch and prevents the line from stopping by selecting the appropriate parts, while also eliminating high PPMs.

CONTRACT services in this scope:

- Parts inspection, sorting and containment
- Simple reworks and repairs
- Firewall, quality gate
- Incoming quality control
Visual Inspection
Visual Inspection, as one of the important topics of non-destructive inspections, is the determination and identification of existing defects in the parts, which can be seen visually or with the help of optical devices, by examining them according to the relevant standards. CONTRACT has an important endoscopy and microscopy infrastructure in visual examinations with internationally accredited Level-I, Level-II and Level-III experts.
Dimensional Inspections
CONTRACT has a wide range of basic and advanced measuring instruments and devices for determining the dimensional conformity of parts. In addition to having a wide spectrum of measurement capabilities, measurement experts also provide training for all operators.

Measurement Tools and Devices:

Visual Measurement Systems, Gauges, Gauges, Basic Measuring Instruments
Camera Inspections
Types of inspections:

- Presence-absence inspections
- Dimensional measurements and inspections
- Surface inspections
- Identifying missing or faulty parts
- Sorting, counting, and classification
- Character recognition
- Barcode and QR code identification
- Part recognition and verification (OCR, OCV)
- Position determination
Color and Gloss Measurements
CONTRACT has the ability to measure the color of interior and exterior trim parts in the automotive and white goods industries with the most advanced spectrophotometers. Gloss measurements and paint adhesion tests are also CONTRACT's areas of expertise.

Painted Surface Measurements and Inspections:
- Metallic paint color measurements
- Solid paint color measurements
- Gloss measurements
- Paint adhesion tests
Paint and Coating Thickness Measurements
Thickness is a very important parameter on painted and coated surfaces. Failure to measure the thickness accurately results in serious negative consequences. CONTRACT makes thickness measurements on both metal and plastic surfaces with high precision, both destructively and non-destructively.

Paint and Coating Thickness Measurements:

- Coating thickness measurements on Fe and NFe surfaces
- Coating thickness measurements on plastic materials
- Destructive thickness measurements
CONTRACT is a 3rd party CSL company approved by many OEMs such as FORD, FIAT, GM and many Tier-1 suppliers.

For a detailed explanation of our CSL services, please read our website: Quality Wall, CSL-1-2-3